In order to get attention for the campaign to raise money to help out the Louisville Public Library, a whole bunch of people are blogging today on why libraries are so important to us, both personally and professionally.
My take on why libraries kick ass? Because they provide the necessary tools – for free – to be an informed, responsible citizen of the United States (yes, I’m being US-centric today, others will blog about the importance of libraries in other countries, I’m sure). With the amount of disinformation and rumor that is passed around on topics as important as the economy, health care and our government, it’s nice to know that there is an unbiased source of information that is completely free for our citizens. They can go to their local library and read from a selection of local and national newspapers, check out information on the Web, look up articles from both scholarly and popular magazines in databases and get help with doing all of this from people who have made it their life’s work to provide this information. Without this free source of information, the access to information required for an informed citizenry is based on ability to pay – and that isn’t very democratic!
All libraries kick ass – no matter where they are located. This particular library, however, is in need of some help, so if you have been provided information for free from some helpful librarian, please consider donating a few bucks to help these hard-working librarians out!
The week in Tweets
- I've got to work on my posture – it's only 9:45 and my back is killing me. #
- reading: Google Wave Explained #
- @SonoranDragon & @joshuamneff My son asked that this morning – why wasn't he in prison? I told him because his last name is Kennedy… #
- @SonoranDragon Your tweet was the first time I'd seen it mentioned all morning. I'm with @joshuamneff – he did good but… in reply to SonoranDragon #
- @SonoranDragon True enough… NPR obliquely mentioned it this morning (hence my son's question), but it was quick & easy to slide past in reply to SonoranDragon #
- RT @stevelawson: Not much time left in LSW fundraiser for the LFPL. Please contribute if you can, and spread the word: #
- RT @elloyd74: RT @suzigurl RT @yelm "In lieu of flowers, please pass Health Care reform." RIP Ted Kennedy 1932-2009 (I like this a lot!!) #
- Working on #GTD ubiq capture – not there yet despite notebooks everywhere & Pre – need in-shower whiteboard #
- @djfiander My brother had a coffee delivery guy at his old job. I was sooooooooo jealous. in reply to djfiander #
- Nikki at work [pic] #
- @infosciphi woot!! Congrats!! Make sure you don't get in with a wild crowd there at NCSU, though – I've heard stories… in reply to infosciphi #
- I'm liking KBIA's Sat eve show – early Elvis followed by Sex Pistols. Nice… #
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The week in Tweets
- Ok – back at work after my day off – it's time to see if my GTD reboot last week will help me GSD today… #
- Huh. Apparently it does work – I've blown through my "gotta-do" list for the day in the first hour. Now I hit my "nice-to-do" list… #
- @lauramoore Isn't that lovely – I've had that happen at @coffeezone before and it's a wonderful thing… in reply to lauramoore #
- @brewinlibrarian Hello from mid-Missouri! Twitter's awesome – almost as awesome as your teacher – have fun with it!! in reply to brewinlibrarian #
- RT @kendrak: RT @sglassmeyer: "The Romans did not build their empire by having meetings. It was built by killing everyone who opposed them." #
- @JGamblin in this case governing != conquering to create an empire to govern – and it's all just a jab against meetings, anyway 😉 in reply to JGamblin #
- @mstabbycat My phone will arrive today – it's already on the truck for delivery! Happy Robin!! #trackingapackage in reply to mstabbycat #
- @mstabbycat I dropped it in the back parking lot at work and screwed up the internals so that it wouldn't charge. I had insurance, tho!!! in reply to mstabbycat #
- @mstabbycat Yep, I have been in Pre-withdrawl for 4 whole days now. It's getting bad… in reply to mstabbycat #
- RT @elloyd74: Tom DeLay to be on Dancing with the Stars. Seriously. #
- @griffey I just bought my plane ticket today – I'll be there! in reply to griffey #
- RT @val_forrestal: I just got Google Reader to zero…. Next person to post to their blog gets defenestrated<- for proper word usage & LOLs #
- Got up, got a page or so of writing done, got Alex to school and now I'm diving into work. I'm already tired… #
- Checking out LifeIO – not sure if it will be really helpful for me… though I see some possibilities… #
- Hectic morning – went to PCC twice for emergencies, set up scanner for craft program and updated the public meeting minutes page. #
- And that's all folks – I'm off for the afternoon and won't be back to work til 5pm. Don't talk about anything too exciting without me!! #
- Weekly review is finished #GTD; drupal installations are updated & to-do lists are pruned. It's break time! #
- MRRL won the grant for technologically-enabled, subject-specific reference tables at the main library. Now the real work starts… #
- @bckhough Thanks – it was a collaborative effort so there are lots of folks here to congratulate – I'm just the only one with a twitter acct in reply to bckhough #
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Of course, just a day or two after I posted the announcement that I have a Google Voice account and the number, I discover that when I dropped my phone the other day, I bent the internal circuitry to the point where it will not recharge. I have a new one on the way (thank you, Sprint insurance!!), but until then, I’m pretty much not reachable immediately. Of course, you can call the number (573)321-webg and leave a voicemail, which will be transferred to my email, and get a hold of me in a roundabout way that way, but it won’t be immediate until my new phone shows up, sometime later this week.
The week in Tweets
- @kgs No!! I don't want people to see what I'm reading, that's half the reason I got my Kindle, so I could read my trashy romances in peace! in reply to kgs #
- @kgs Well. That's just brilliant! I love it and would totally be behind any upgrade that displayed the book I'm "reading" if that were so! in reply to kgs #
- @sethhersh I've been watching the site and it looks nasty – and like it's coming straight across the state to visit us next! in reply to sethhersh #
- Fwd: Some wingnut is outside Obamas town hall with gun per MSNBC. wonder if a secret service takedown will be the… #
- : Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican #
- @val_forrestal OPALescence hashtag = #opal in reply to val_forrestal #
- Starting my session on Collaboration 2.0 at #opal in just a minute or two! #
- @codslap my pleasure!It fit right into the topic!! in reply to codslap #
- @jokrausdu Yes, I would, when I get all this other stuff I have to finish writing done… We'll stay in touch, yes? in reply to jokrausdu #
- @djfiander Thanks. Now I have a *different* ABBA song in my head. I'd been hearing"our last summer" all morning in my head, now "waterloo".. in reply to djfiander #
- @davidleeking Hi nice librarians! I'm in the capital city of Missouri now – Jefferson City – at the Missouri River Regional Library in reply to davidleeking #
- Ok folks – what are some common abbreviations/text speak stuff you see in use in Twitter? Anyone wanna share? #
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Google Voice
Ok, I’ve been a “user” of Google Voice since it was Grand Central waaaaaay back when. That being said, I never actually used it – just had an account. Now that Google’s taken it over and given us the option for personalized phone numbers, however, I’m thinking about starting to use it more. My current voice number is (573) 321-9324 (that’s 573-321-webg) and is all set up – but rarely used… I’ll start adding it to business cards and such soon, but I just wanted to start the ball rolling by letting my faithful readers (hi there, Tab!!) know that there is yet another way they can get a hold of me. Seriously though, texting is quicker…
Online conference – starts today!
The OPALescence conference begins today at 11am (CST) – there is a nice lineup of topics and speakers (including me at 2pm CST today, blathering on about Collaboration 2.0) as well as “unconference” sort of unscheduled discussion groups going on at the same time as the traditional conference sessions. If one of the sessions doesn’t do it for you, hop into an unconference session and talk about what is important to you!
The week in Tweets
- Doin' a little "I rock" dance as I make Drupal's Content Templates bow to my will. Ahhhh, sweet success! #
- RT @GTDCoachKelly: Best reason to get others on #GTD? It'll minimize the last minute fires & crisis YOU get due to their lack of planning. #
- @griffey Oh man, I feel your pain, truly I do… in reply to griffey #
- @mstabbycat You are welcome!! Choc-covered bananas are the best, yes? in reply to mstabbycat #
- Vendor called – completely knocked me out of my "coding zone". It's about 15 minutes before quitting time, but I'm calling it a day. #
- Reading about LSW's "help the Louisville Public Library" campaign, via Steve Lawson's blog,, and sending money, natch! #
- I have inbox 0 on BOTH email accounts. Of course, as I am typing this, more are flooding in, but there were a few bright, shining seconds… #
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The week in Tweets
- Back at work from 2 days of being feverish, stuffy, miserable sick. So much to do, I'm not sure where to start. I think I'll read blogs… #
- @chrisbrogan Remember the Milk + Gmail in reply to chrisbrogan #
- LMAO at #hhlib tweets – keep 'em coming (especially you, Annoyed Lib!) #
- The Tech Set #
- @mstabbycat are you going to deliver it to me? 😉 I just saw apples on sale today and thought about making that myself. Yummmy! #
- Who watches the Watchmen? I am now, with the boyfriend!! #
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Day In The Life – Monday
6:30 – Alarm goes off, dogs go outside, I go under the shower. Dressed and out the door by 7:20, coffee in hand by 7:30
7:40am – come in to work, turned on computer, listened to voice mail
8-9am – Opened Firefox for email, blogs & Spicework’s desktop monitor, Chrome for work blogs & Tweetdeck for work & personal Twitter accounts, check email, write blog post on book groups, fix Spicework’s inventory mistakes
9am – go get weighed for “Biggest Loser” program at my library. Go outside and quietly cry about the results.
9:15am – 10:30am – add personnel requisition forms to staffweb, read through blog headlines, fix MySpace filtering issue so that patrons and staff can again connect to their MySpace buddies
10:20 – 10:27 – write this up, take a break
10:30am – call back to filtering vendor, read some library/twitter related stuff coming through my Tweet stream
10:45am – 11am – back to email, forwarded a couple of web site comments to the appropriate person, started working on June Board meeting minutes to post on the public website
11am – 11:30 – talked to Assistant Director about social software stats for the Board Report, talked to Automation Manager about possible Netlibrary issue, headed across the street to talk to coworker about flaky computer
11:44 – back from installing video card in computer & chatting with co-worker, checking on Netlibrary download that caused problem for patron and re-checking email. Somehow lost my bottle of water in the running around and have to get another one from my in-office fridge. Oh how I love having a refrigerator in my office!!
12:00 – uploaded IP Address spreadsheet to Google to share with Tech Support Coordinator (pretty color-coded sections of IPs didn’t come through the upload – had to redo the colors before I shared…) and started writing up ALA trip report for Board Report due next week
12:03-12:07 – discussed another missing form and the contact list on the staffweb with the HR manager, then back to writing up my trip report
12:30 – added new job ad to both staff and public websites & checked email – again
12:45 – Lunchtime!! (though after seeing the outrageously huge number from this morning, lunch will be a salad and diet coke…)
2pm – back from lunch – spent 15 min in the library parking lot talking to ex-boss & current State Library Network Admin & got hot lead on cheap hardware for the library – that counts as work time! Now to start working on the template issues I’m having with the new website…
3:35pm – have the front module downloaded and installed and have read up on how to use it. My brain hurts, so it’s break time!
3:43 – taking a moment to check emails and such before delving into Drupal themes and multiple CSS files, not really sure I have it in me to do actual CSS work today…
4:15 – interrupted (happily) by coworker – since I wasn’t getting anywhere with the CSS, this is a good thing
4:25 – check Tweetdeck, email and blogs one last time before logging out, finish up this blog post.
4:30 – off for the day to pick up my son by 5pm, then to Hy-Vee for chinese buffet (because he can eat his weight in egg rolls) and then home to finish up last homework for my class and turn it in. I plan to be in bed, asleep, by 8pm or so…
More tomorrow!