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The week in Tweets

  • Backing up my online accounts with #
  • I'm considering calling in sick for the rest of the day. I have the hiccups & clearly need to go home. #
  • @DonovanLambrigh exactly! Let me forward that to my current boss (coming from a past one it should carry some weight, yes?) right now! #
  • @weez42 eek! Mine are intermittent. I've gotten them twice this morning for 30 or so minutes each time. Annoying, but not *that* annoying!!! in reply to weez42 #
  • @bckhough I'm a GTD girl/Inbox 0 all the way. Process, file or do (if less than 10 mins). Hard to start, so much easier to keep up! in reply to bckhough #
  • from a film review "And, like all vomit, you can kind-of see what it's composed of but the smell drives you away." – James Berardinelli. Wow #
  • @jpeg2000 You wild man, you! in reply to jpeg2000 #
  • Checking out ( – interesting concept and possibly quite useful for us in libraries… #
  • @ellbeecee NUH-UH! TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY IS WAAAAAAAY BETTER. in reply to ellbeecee #
  • @ellbeecee ARGGGGGHHH ME MATEY – YOU HAVE A FINE IDEA! in reply to ellbeecee #
  • My #writegoal for November is 30 min – minimum – every day. I'll post ind day's word count goals as needed to keep me on track… #

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The week in Tweets

  • I'm finally waving!! If you've got Wave, ping me (robin.hastings at #
  • participating in the RTWS wave (search with:public #rtwsummit in Wave) right now. So very cool… #
  • @kgs Only a week? I've been trying to get #google to respond to my emails (so I can pay them!!) for almost 3 months now. GoogleFAIL!!!!! in reply to kgs #

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The week in Tweets

  • Getting ready to board the plane to KC – litaforum was awesome, SLC was interesting & I'm tired… #
  • @ashuping We generally "loan" a couple of projectors to our state conf for use from our library – otherwise, ours would be the same. in reply to ashuping #
  • Reading through the outside review of my book – getting warm fuzzies from it, as well as new stuff for me add to my GTD lists… #
  • At work at 6:30am after dropping off my son at school for golf-related weight lifting. I'm kind of awake… #
  • RT @elloyd74: OMG–"Regretsy"–like Cake Wrecks for "crafts": And elloyd74 has just derailed me for an hour. Thx!! #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • @griffey I'm lazy – is there a LITA google calendar anywhere that I can just go through and pick sessions from to add to my cal? in reply to griffey #
  • @griffey Sweet!! Thanks! in reply to griffey #
  • Fueling up the car for my trip to SLC – still taking eating/touring suggestions! #
  • Hi Tab & Doug! #
  • @kgs Ohhhh! That sounds good – I'll keep my eyes open! in reply to kgs #
  • Getting ready to board my flight – Salt Lake City bound! #
  • Correction – I was ready to board my flight (a puddle-jumper!!) but they are still getting folks off. We'll be late… #
  • The eagle has landed, I repeat the eagle has landed – and already spied a brewpub kittykorner from the hotel! #
  • View – left [pic] #
  • Back from lovely dinner with @griffey at Aquatters Brew Pub. Yummy Mac'n'cheese & excellent company FTW! #
  • Damn little Pre keyboard – that was Squatter's Brew Pub… And I only had one beer with my meal! #
  • @dullroar Will do!! in reply to dullroar #
  • Temple Square Gardens [pic] #
  • Boarding the bus for the Great Salt Lake – this is exciting!! #
  • RT @GWaveTeam: Google wave invites, i have 129 left, to request one, follow & RT saying you want one #googlewave @gwaveteam #
  • I'm on a bus full of people here for a True Value conference… #
  • GSL – 21% salt, Red Sea – 24% salt #
  • Insane Clown Posse is playing (tonight) at GSL. #
  • @baldgeekinmd Haven't gone near the water yet… 'bout to, but still no swimming – it's chilly in reply to baldgeekinmd #
  • @mstabbycat Yep – hence the jokes about the "bunch of tools" & "getting nailed" that I've been getting… in reply to mstabbycat #
  • Behind the GSL [pic] #
  • Dinner! Not all mine, though… [pic] #
  • sittin' at the keynote at #litaforum back at the blogger's table. Trying to blog & tweet at the same time. Multitasking FTW! #
  • Very academic-institution oriented at #litaforum keynote. Some good examples for pub libs, but not enough!! #
  • @baldgeekinmd I'm on the speaker's list – I'm not an academic library!! Wait. That came out wrong. Let me think about that… in reply to baldgeekinmd #
  • @baldgeekinmd True, and I often find myself as a lone representative (or at least in minority) as speaker at many confs. Pub Libs are ppl 2! in reply to baldgeekinmd #
  • @librarianmer – stop that – I can hear him sniffling clear across the room!! 😉 #
  • @baldgeekinmd You're the first on my list, babe! in reply to baldgeekinmd #
  • @chrisbrogan just wrote some words that make no sense to me "16 days without caffeine". I recognize words, but the concept…? in reply to chrisbrogan #
  • getting ready to hear about successful online communities #litaforum #
  • @eligerman me! #litaforum in reply to eligerman #
  • lights are flashing in our room – hopefully no one is epileptic… #litaforum #
  • still with the crazy lights in Alpine East – they can't decide if they want to be on or off… #litaforum #
  • RT @johannaharness: So far 3835 new words today. Magic friday is headed toward happy hour. #amwritin #iamjealous#
  • sitting in the seminar theater (love it!) and getting ready to listen to Lightning talks #litaforum #
  • @bohyunkim That sucks – I was really looking forward to hearing that!! Ah well, maybe at the next conference… 😉 #
  • Heading off to network my little heart out… #litaforum #
  • A trainer even trains during dinner [pic] #
  • In the keynote room at the blogger's table, ready for David Weinberger's keynote… #litaforum #
  • RT @bobrobboy: Librarians are a hyperlink … not a stopping point but always in invitation to go further. Deeper. #litaforum #
  • I'm all set up for my session in Alpine east at #litaforum #
  • @mosylu Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!! in reply to mosylu #
  • Wishing I could be cloned so I could have attended future of IT session while also presenting my session… thx for the tweets!! #litaforum #
  • Just got asked 4 directions in SLC – funny thing is I could give them #litaforum #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • I introduced my Mom (and her new netbook) to Evernote last night. She now thinks I'm a genius , cause she can store her recipes properly! #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • forcing myself not to go to Amazon and order the Lost Symbol on my Kindle. Reviews are making it hard, though. Send "be strong" vibes, plz!! #
  • Listening to "a flock of 80s" radio station via my Palm #Pre – Elton John ftw! #
  • JazzFest @ park 2 blocks away makes nice bkgd music 4 my backyard reading this afternoon! #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • I just had to make an emergency run to the golf course so Alex could get to his tee time. When did I become a golf mom? #
  • My chapter – the first couple of lines or so at least [pic] #
  • just spent 10 minutes with Nikki's 5 month old baby – so very cute, still don't want another one of my own. #
  • Peanut butter jelly time!! [pic] #
  • 2 1/2 blocks of a log cabin baby blanket [pic] #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • Family reunion 3 [pic] #
  • @DonovanLambrigh They should – it's and they podcast everything, too. The show's name is underground garage, I think. in reply to DonovanLambrigh #
  • Hey! I just heard it's @SonoranDragon 's birthday!! Happy birthday, dude!! #
  • @MegCanada Congratulations!! Now you deserve a treat!! in reply to MegCanada #
  • @ashuping look for the httpd.conf file and review it – depends on the install where it is, but possible in etc/ in reply to ashuping #
  • RT @ChadLivengood Talking to retirees opposed to "Obamacare": They love their Medicare, but they don't want younger people to have it. #
  • @librarianbyday Library, as part of a name, is a proper noun. Proper nouns are always capitalized. If it's not a proper noun, tho, no caps! in reply to librarianbyday #
  • @mstabbycat We have SERIOUS issues with our cable at home, too – True Blood was almost unwatchable Sun night – I had a headache by the end!! in reply to mstabbycat #
  • RT @revmhj: The reason there is an @calls and @office list in GTD is to that when #gmail is down you can still do work, people. #
  • Can y'all tell Gmail is down – I haven't tweeted this much in *ages* 😉 #
  • @Jill_HW GDocs is still up! That's what I'm doing right now, between writing updates on the sitch for the staffweb. Board reports in GDocs.. in reply to Jill_HW #
  • @victoriaptersen I used to do that!! Makes this way annoying, yes? Check out #gtd, though – way better than inbox=tasks!! in reply to victoriaptersen #
  • @elloyd74 Palm Pre rocks my socks. Just an opinion, though – others like that silly iPhone thing, I hear… in reply to elloyd74 #
  • is back? They've faked me out before, though, so I'm not going to believe it just yet. #
  • It is emergency day – first I lose a hard drive out of an almost brand-new server, then a trainer is running late for a class . Home yet? #
  • @hyveejcmo Can we talk about you all stocking more Diet Vanilla Coke Zero? 4 12-packs at a time is not enough! #
  • Meeting #1 and conference call down. Meeting #2 is in 40 minutes, then I get to go home before 4 hours of desk time tonight. I can haz nap? #
  • Billy & family [pic] #
  • Did something big just happen on Glue? I just got 4 new followers in 2 seconds. I'm confused… #
  • @mstabbycat Happy birthday to you… a wee bit early! in reply to mstabbycat #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • I've got to work on my posture – it's only 9:45 and my back is killing me. #
  • reading: Google Wave Explained #
  • @SonoranDragon & @joshuamneff My son asked that this morning – why wasn't he in prison? I told him because his last name is Kennedy… #
  • @SonoranDragon Your tweet was the first time I'd seen it mentioned all morning. I'm with @joshuamneff – he did good but… in reply to SonoranDragon #
  • @SonoranDragon True enough… NPR obliquely mentioned it this morning (hence my son's question), but it was quick & easy to slide past in reply to SonoranDragon #
  • RT @stevelawson: Not much time left in LSW fundraiser for the LFPL. Please contribute if you can, and spread the word: #
  • RT @elloyd74: RT @suzigurl RT @yelm "In lieu of flowers, please pass Health Care reform." RIP Ted Kennedy 1932-2009 (I like this a lot!!) #
  • Working on #GTD ubiq capture – not there yet despite notebooks everywhere & Pre – need in-shower whiteboard #
  • @djfiander My brother had a coffee delivery guy at his old job. I was sooooooooo jealous. in reply to djfiander #
  • Nikki at work [pic] #
  • @infosciphi woot!! Congrats!! Make sure you don't get in with a wild crowd there at NCSU, though – I've heard stories… in reply to infosciphi #
  • I'm liking KBIA's Sat eve show – early Elvis followed by Sex Pistols. Nice… #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • Ok – back at work after my day off – it's time to see if my GTD reboot last week will help me GSD today… #
  • Huh. Apparently it does work – I've blown through my "gotta-do" list for the day in the first hour. Now I hit my "nice-to-do" list… #
  • @lauramoore Isn't that lovely – I've had that happen at @coffeezone before and it's a wonderful thing… in reply to lauramoore #
  • @brewinlibrarian Hello from mid-Missouri! Twitter's awesome – almost as awesome as your teacher – have fun with it!! in reply to brewinlibrarian #
  • RT @kendrak: RT @sglassmeyer: "The Romans did not build their empire by having meetings. It was built by killing everyone who opposed them." #
  • @JGamblin in this case governing != conquering to create an empire to govern – and it's all just a jab against meetings, anyway 😉 in reply to JGamblin #
  • @mstabbycat My phone will arrive today – it's already on the truck for delivery! Happy Robin!! #trackingapackage in reply to mstabbycat #
  • @mstabbycat I dropped it in the back parking lot at work and screwed up the internals so that it wouldn't charge. I had insurance, tho!!! in reply to mstabbycat #
  • @mstabbycat Yep, I have been in Pre-withdrawl for 4 whole days now. It's getting bad… in reply to mstabbycat #
  • RT @elloyd74: Tom DeLay to be on Dancing with the Stars. Seriously. #
  • @griffey I just bought my plane ticket today – I'll be there! in reply to griffey #
  • RT @val_forrestal: I just got Google Reader to zero…. Next person to post to their blog gets defenestrated<- for proper word usage & LOLs #
  • Got up, got a page or so of writing done, got Alex to school and now I'm diving into work. I'm already tired… #
  • Checking out LifeIO – not sure if it will be really helpful for me… though I see some possibilities… #
  • Hectic morning – went to PCC twice for emergencies, set up scanner for craft program and updated the public meeting minutes page. #
  • And that's all folks – I'm off for the afternoon and won't be back to work til 5pm. Don't talk about anything too exciting without me!! #
  • Weekly review is finished #GTD; drupal installations are updated & to-do lists are pruned. It's break time! #
  • MRRL won the grant for technologically-enabled, subject-specific reference tables at the main library. Now the real work starts… #
  • @bckhough Thanks – it was a collaborative effort so there are lots of folks here to congratulate – I'm just the only one with a twitter acct in reply to bckhough #

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