*SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT A TREND*- it’s a fundamental change in the way companies reach their audiences.
Overview of social media landscape – what tools are out there.
Blogs – lots out there, becoming mainstream news (Huffington Post); case study about the Direct2Dell site that came directly from a blog post that coined the term “dell hell” and was picked up within 2 days by NY Times and Business Week.
Microblog – Twitter has 4.5 Million users; uses of Twitter: live discussion, reinforce your brand, promote content, speed linking, content syndication (hi everyone who is reading this because I tweeted my new blog post!!). Case study: @comcastcares – search for Comcast in Twitter, respond to complaints, become one of the most effective customer service campaigns in social media.
Social Network Facebook – 120+ Million users, Facebook groups, applications and photo sharing. Case study – Barack Obama – 6.8 Million supporters (John McCain, 518,000 supporters) in Facebook, 2.5 M in Twitter with 392 updates, 179,000 subscribers in YouTube and a social site of his own at barackobama.com
YouTube 1 billion video clips shared every day; useful for marketing. Case study: Cadbury’s Gorilla Ads
Flickr (photo sharing), Delicious (bookmarking), Digg (social relevancy), Amazon.com (collaborative filtering & recommendations)
Social Listening
Where? Technorati, Google Blog Search, Twitter, Google Alerts – very important to hear what folks are saying about you.
Crowdsourcing – Case study: Project Dogfood – built a targeted, effective event through direct collaboration with the audience. Case study: Netflix prize – 1M to anyone who can improve their recommendations by 10% – crowdsourced programming…
Why social media campaigns fail – no strategy, poor listening, unreliable content, lack of metrics for success.
Social Media Stragegy – define target audience & get in-depth understanding of their problems & questions, become a trusted source of info, build an online presence with relevant content, make it easy to transition the client from learning from you to buying from you.
“you don’t need a million customers, you need the right 10,000” – Chris Brogan
Category: Web 2.0
IT Disaster Planning -ITEC
Now I’m in (in Theater 1, which has wireless…) an IT disaster planning session. He’s starting off discussing BCDR (BC? – DR = Disaster Response) and his company’s (Starfire Technologies) experience in creating them.
To begin, he discussed the different types of disasters that could befall us (small, medium and large “never-happen” disasters). Medium disasters are the ones we should be planning and testing for. Smaller ones happen often enough (accidental email deletions, etc.) that we should be in practice. Medium disasters (server failures, etc) should be planned for. Large disasters include facility failures (fire engulfing the building) and have their own special needs.
BCP – Business Continuity Plans, not for DR but for daily business operations, requires process documentation, timelines for recovery events, ineffective training, etc. BC vs. DR – frequency & scope differences, can be complimenting solutions.
BCDR Plan – important characteristics
- Skill assumptions and expectations
- Automation of processes
- Application landscape review
- Sufficient infrastructure at recovery site
- Recovery data currency
- Identify external vendor dependencies
- Long-run planning
- Production-return planning
Next he talked about tiers of multi-site service. When I get the internal MRRL cloud up and running, we’ll be on Tier 4 – Dual Active Sites with all the data being shared among all locations.
The data – get rid of classic, aged backup methodologies for unified solutions (backup/restore, archive/retrieve, space management)
The Infrastructure – Storage; centralized arrays, internal fault tolerance, remote mirroring. He recommends offloading backup processing from systems (again, something I’ll be doing more of when we go to our cloud backups)
Infrastructure – Technologies; remote sites, vendor cloud offerings, virtualization and deduplication (no mention of internal cloud offerings… other than maybe a mention of storage virtualization)
That’s as far as he got before his time was up and up next is lunch – some sort of buffet… I’ll post more after!
TJ O’Connor led this session on using Web 2.0 tools inside the enterprise. He mentioned a couple of tools I was unfamiliar with – Clearspace (which has apparently become SBS since he created his slides) and Present.ly -and then talked about using blogs, microblogs (that’s where Present.ly came in), IM (we use Gmail’s chat for just about anything Present.ly could do, but I appreciated the pointer anyway!), RSS Feeds and Wikis. He finished by talking about how to get 2.0 tools adopted in the Enterprise. (*foster grass-roots adoption, encourage emergent behaviors, combine with top-down support and remember your goals)
Keynote – ITEC
I’m at the ITEC conference in KC today, getting ready to learn all kinds of IT-related stuff. Right now, the keynote by Tom Henderson is on. He’s talking about the changing environment for IT in this economy. Both companies and customers are feeling the pinch from changing economic conditions. Another pressure point for IT is the fact that the workplace is evolving – with an intriguing bullet point, “Web-2 as IT Drama”. It’s immediately preceded by “Social Not-Working becoming huge”, which sort of raises my hackles… Just ’cause people are on Facebook doesn’t mean they aren’t nurturing professional relationships along with social. I’ve got no defense for Farmtown. Sorry folks.
Anyway, he just did a survey on who’s updated their Facebook page, who tweets, and who just shakes their head when others tweet. I got my book deal because I tweet – you can’t dissuade me from the utility of tweeting…
He’s on that last bullet point now – is it IT drama or productivity. No answer from him – just something for us to consider.
He’s talking about auditing and accountability now, but I’m not hearing much because the freakin’ vendors behind me are just chatting away and they are closer.
The next slide shows an IT challenge – growing and retaining employees.
He’s now talking about SLAs for users and the fact that, unlike 10 years ago, we are required to keep systems up and running far more reliably. Even an hour of email down-time can be disastrous for an organization.
He’s asking a bunch more questions now, but I can’t hear any of them…
I completely missed the end of the keynote, but I’ve shared what I did get out of it! Next is “practical and doable Web 2.0 tools”. I’ll try to blog that, too – but the wireless situation here is iffy…
Keynote – ITEC
I’m at the ITEC conference in KC today, getting ready to learn all kinds of IT-related stuff. Right now, the keynote by Tom Henderson is on. He’s talking about the changing environment for IT in this economy. Both companies and customers are feeling the pinch from changing economic conditions. Another pressure point for IT is the fact that the workplace is evolving – with an intriguing bullet point, “Web-2 as IT Drama”. It’s immediately preceded by “Social Not-Working becoming huge”, which sort of raises my hackles… Just ’cause people are on Facebook doesn’t mean they aren’t nurturing professional relationships along with social. I’ve got no defense for Farmtown. Sorry folks.
Anyway, he just did a survey on who’s updated their Facebook page, who tweets, and who just shakes their head when others tweet. I got my book deal because I tweet – you can’t dissuade me from the utility of tweeting…
He’s on that last bullet point now – is it IT drama or productivity. No answer from him – just something for us to consider.
He’s talking about auditing and accountability now, but I’m not hearing much because the freakin’ vendors behind me are just chatting away and they are closer.
The next slide shows an IT challenge – growing and retaining employees.
He’s now talking about SLAs for users and the fact that, unlike 10 years ago, we are required to keep systems up and running far more reliably. Even an hour of email down-time can be disastrous for an organization.
He’s asking a bunch more questions now, but I can’t hear any of them…
I completely missed the end of the keynote, but I’ve shared what I did get out of it! Next is “practical and doable Web 2.0 tools”. I’ll try to blog that, too – but the wireless situation here is iffy…
The week in Tweets
- Backing up my online accounts with http://backupify.com #
- I'm considering calling in sick for the rest of the day. I have the hiccups & clearly need to go home. #
- @DonovanLambrigh exactly! Let me forward that to my current boss (coming from a past one it should carry some weight, yes?) right now! #
- @weez42 eek! Mine are intermittent. I've gotten them twice this morning for 30 or so minutes each time. Annoying, but not *that* annoying!!! in reply to weez42 #
- @bckhough I'm a GTD girl/Inbox 0 all the way. Process, file or do (if less than 10 mins). Hard to start, so much easier to keep up! in reply to bckhough #
- from a film review "And, like all vomit, you can kind-of see what it's composed of but the smell drives you away." – James Berardinelli. Wow #
- @jpeg2000 You wild man, you! in reply to jpeg2000 #
- Checking out http://bit.ly/lHueP (PDFgeni.com) – interesting concept and possibly quite useful for us in libraries… #
- @ellbeecee NUH-UH! TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY IS WAAAAAAAY BETTER. in reply to ellbeecee #
- @ellbeecee ARGGGGGHHH ME MATEY – YOU HAVE A FINE IDEA! in reply to ellbeecee #
- My #writegoal for November is 30 min – minimum – every day. I'll post ind day's word count goals as needed to keep me on track… #
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I’ve finally gotten around to posting links to the last couple of presentations I’ve done on my Presentations page, as well as the latest information about the Publications I’ve put out (a link to purchase the Library Mashups book and a tentative publishing date for the Twitter/Friendfeed book). Also, I’ve updated the Raves and Reviews page with a new section called Awards. I found out on Friday that I’d won an Honorable Mention in the 78th Annual Writer’s Digest Awards in the Magazine Feature Article category. I’m not sure how prestigious that really is – I’m not among the top 100 listed winners in the category on the Writer’s Digest site, but the letter that accompanied the award certificate said that, “your success in the face of such formidable competition speaks highly of your writing talent”, so I suppose it is worth something…
Cache Clearing
— Google Wave – I’ve got an account and have been using it to conduct extended group IM-like chats with people and to follow the Real-Time Web Summit that happened in Mountain View, CA (Google’s backyard…) last week. The use of the conference wave was one of my favorite uses of Wave so far. Lots of great information at my fingertips!!!
–Drupal – I’m still in the process of working out the kinks in the new MRRL site, but it should be available for “sneak peeks” by the middle of November – it’s going live on the 17th of November. I’ll be posting more about my adventures with Drupal, but lets just say that I still have most of my hair… not quite all, but most. And, if anyone has a lead on a kick-ass editor that won’t eat my PHP code or re-write my content folk’s stuff at random, but will still give some help to those who are HTML-challenged, I’d appreciate it. That’s where most of my hair is going right now – crazy editors that either do too much or to little.
The week in Tweets
- I'm finally waving!! If you've got Wave, ping me (robin.hastings at gmail.com) #
- participating in the RTWS wave (search with:public #rtwsummit in Wave) right now. So very cool… #
- @kgs Only a week? I've been trying to get #google to respond to my emails (so I can pay them!!) for almost 3 months now. GoogleFAIL!!!!! in reply to kgs #
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The week in Tweets
- Getting ready to board the plane to KC – litaforum was awesome, SLC was interesting & I'm tired… #
- @ashuping We generally "loan" a couple of projectors to our state conf for use from our library – otherwise, ours would be the same. in reply to ashuping #
- Reading through the outside review of my book – getting warm fuzzies from it, as well as new stuff for me add to my GTD lists… #
- At work at 6:30am after dropping off my son at school for golf-related weight lifting. I'm kind of awake… #
- RT @elloyd74: OMG–"Regretsy"–like Cake Wrecks for "crafts": http://bit.ly/49BUE9 And elloyd74 has just derailed me for an hour. Thx!! #
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The week in Tweets
- @griffey I'm lazy – is there a LITA google calendar anywhere that I can just go through and pick sessions from to add to my cal? in reply to griffey #
- @griffey Sweet!! Thanks! in reply to griffey #
- Fueling up the car for my trip to SLC – still taking eating/touring suggestions! #
- Hi Tab & Doug! http://tinyurl.com/yday3r9 #
- @kgs Ohhhh! That sounds good – I'll keep my eyes open! in reply to kgs #
- Getting ready to board my flight – Salt Lake City bound! #
- Correction – I was ready to board my flight (a puddle-jumper!!) but they are still getting folks off. We'll be late… #
- The eagle has landed, I repeat the eagle has landed – and already spied a brewpub kittykorner from the hotel! #
- View – left [pic] http://ff.im/90KLl #
- Back from lovely dinner with @griffey at Aquatters Brew Pub. Yummy Mac'n'cheese & excellent company FTW! #
- Damn little Pre keyboard – that was Squatter's Brew Pub… And I only had one beer with my meal! #
- @dullroar Will do!! in reply to dullroar #
- Temple Square Gardens [pic] http://ff.im/93hxC #
- Boarding the bus for the Great Salt Lake – this is exciting!! #
- RT @GWaveTeam: Google wave invites, i have 129 left, to request one, follow & RT saying you want one #googlewave @gwaveteam #
- I'm on a bus full of people here for a True Value conference… #
- GSL – 21% salt, Red Sea – 24% salt #
- Insane Clown Posse is playing (tonight) at GSL. #
- @baldgeekinmd Haven't gone near the water yet… 'bout to, but still no swimming – it's chilly in reply to baldgeekinmd #
- @mstabbycat Yep – hence the jokes about the "bunch of tools" & "getting nailed" that I've been getting… in reply to mstabbycat #
- Behind the GSL [pic] http://ff.im/94s3t #
- Dinner! Not all mine, though… [pic] http://ff.im/9502c #
- sittin' at the keynote at #litaforum back at the blogger's table. Trying to blog & tweet at the same time. Multitasking FTW! #
- Very academic-institution oriented at #litaforum keynote. Some good examples for pub libs, but not enough!! #
- @baldgeekinmd I'm on the speaker's list – I'm not an academic library!! Wait. That came out wrong. Let me think about that… in reply to baldgeekinmd #
- @baldgeekinmd True, and I often find myself as a lone representative (or at least in minority) as speaker at many confs. Pub Libs are ppl 2! in reply to baldgeekinmd #
- @librarianmer – stop that – I can hear him sniffling clear across the room!! 😉 #
- @baldgeekinmd You're the first on my list, babe! in reply to baldgeekinmd #
- @chrisbrogan just wrote some words that make no sense to me "16 days without caffeine". I recognize words, but the concept…? in reply to chrisbrogan #
- getting ready to hear about successful online communities #litaforum #
- @eligerman me! #litaforum in reply to eligerman #
- lights are flashing in our room – hopefully no one is epileptic… #litaforum #
- still with the crazy lights in Alpine East – they can't decide if they want to be on or off… #litaforum #
- RT @johannaharness: So far 3835 new words today. Magic friday is headed toward happy hour. #amwritin #iamjealous… #
- sitting in the seminar theater (love it!) and getting ready to listen to Lightning talks #litaforum #
- @bohyunkim That sucks – I was really looking forward to hearing that!! Ah well, maybe at the next conference… 😉 #
- Heading off to network my little heart out… #litaforum #
- A trainer even trains during dinner [pic] http://ff.im/98RKz #
- In the keynote room at the blogger's table, ready for David Weinberger's keynote… #litaforum #
- RT @bobrobboy: Librarians are a hyperlink … not a stopping point but always in invitation to go further. Deeper. #litaforum #
- I'm all set up for my session in Alpine east at #litaforum #
- @mosylu Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!! in reply to mosylu #
- Wishing I could be cloned so I could have attended future of IT session while also presenting my session… thx for the tweets!! #litaforum #
- Just got asked 4 directions in SLC – funny thing is I could give them #litaforum #
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