Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • @griffey I signed up to find out when my new book comes out, and since yours comes out when mine does… that work? in reply to griffey #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • I just got panhandled in JC – that's a first. #
  • @warmaiden Positive thinking vibrations (or prayer – whatever you want to call it) sent to both you and Otto. in reply to warmaiden #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • @rmazar Not just 2009, but 12/2009. Can you believe? in reply to rmazar #
  • @miriella I don't know whether I should laugh or curse my font nerdiness that I find it funny. I'll get back to you on that… in reply to miriella #
  • First blog post about my upcoming presentation in Dallas from OhMyGov! – #
  • Pushing up my sleeves to begin work on creating Panel/View/Complicated pages for new Ref Table computers. Starting with pen and paper… #
  • SCORE! Panel page has bowed to my will! I'm doing a happy dance in my office!! (aren't you glad I don't have a webcam at work?) #
  • (Not so score – originally posted that last tweet to my work account. Quick delete FTW!) #
  • RT @warmaiden: The Write Club interviews me on my writing Process: (since I can't "like" a tweet yet…) #
  • @DonovanLambrigh share? plz? pretty plz? in reply to DonovanLambrigh #
  • @Tombrarian You too? Thought it was just me… I'll stop compulsively checking my network now… in reply to Tombrarian #
  • @Tombrarian Sounds like a plan to me… #
  • @sglassmeyer This is why I love my phone – it's consistently about 7 minutes fast. My day is done! in reply to sglassmeyer #
  • I have a secret fan at work! [pic] #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • Today's agenda: wrestling the library's firewall into submission, torturing the website into docility and writing until my fingers fall off. #
  • @Jill_HW I get *all kinds* of attention when I'm in public with my Kindle – people want to know what I think about it. in reply to Jill_HW #
  • @laurenpressley Ohhh – same here, plz – or Jason can pass them on, por favor!! in reply to laurenpressley #
  • @griffey I feel your pain – just turned mine in, now looking forward to indexing… in reply to griffey #
  • @griffey None yet, but I keep hoping that if I check Word obsessively every 10 secs, an 'autoindex' option will appear. in reply to griffey #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • Final push for new site – scheduled to go live at 5pm. Soooooo much to do before then!!! #
  • Major work on the website is over – just tweaking and working on content strategy (and social strategy, still…). #
  • reading through U.S. Public Libraries and the use of Web Technologies – #
  • After weeks of stressful website stuff, I'm back on track, inboxes = zero and I'm about to do #gtd "weekly" review – first time in a month! #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • Instead of writing, I spent time with @pigsinspace, @joshuamneff, @mstabbycat, @roycekitts & @jokrausdu – and I don't feel guilty at all! #
  • @mstabbycat Drugs? in reply to mstabbycat #
  • @mstabbycat Whiskey and drugs? 😉 in reply to mstabbycat #
  • RT @FakeAPStylebook: The antecedent for "she" in "that's what she said" is generally understood to be "your mom." **giggle** (twss) #
  • Making Drupal's views work to display board meeting minutes. Sometimes the successes are small, but I'll take what I can get… #
  • My "search: gtd" column should be interesting today – it's "Go Topless Day" somewhere out there in the Twitterverse… #
  • RT @mstabbycat: Dear blocked calls & toll free numbers- leave me a message because I will never pick up. Love, me (me too!!) #
  • @mstephens7 I know – I was watching it last night in utter shock!! An interesting turn for the series… #glee in reply to mstephens7 #
  • Checking out a cookvook (and no, that's not a typo) online. Interesting stuff!! #

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Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • 1148 words in 30 mins of writing. My fingers hurt. #iwaswritingnowImnot #
  • I wrote 15 minutes – 411 words – today and that is all I'm capable of doing. It's bedtime – I don't care if it is 8:30…. #

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Wave Web 2.0

Wavin’ at you!

I got the embedded wave to work on my new Wave page! Finally!! I’ve been playing with it for a couple of weeks (off and on) with no success, but I upgraded both WordPress and wavr (the plugin I’m using to make this work) and today it finally appeared (only for those with Wave accounts, I think…). The real trick to it was getting the right google wave URL (in my case it consisted of id=”!w+2_yvJou8O”). When you copy the URL from Google, it urlencodes that + sign to a %252B, so you have to change that to +, remove everything before the url and voila! It works!!
If you have a Wave account, stop by and say hi, post a suggestion for a blog post or whatever floats your boat. This is purely a testing wave, with no real purpose right now other than to play!

Web 2.0

The week in Tweets

  • *makes note to auto-send @stevelawson emails randomly throughout the week* #
  • @MegCanada hot tea, honey, maybe some lemon and the whiskey of your choice. Drink enough of it and you'll forget you have a cold! in reply to MegCanada #
  • GWave invites – DM me with your preferred email address if you still don't have one, but want one. 10 left… #
  • I can't believe I'm on Twitter, complaining about FriendFeed being down, but I am. I want my FriendFeed!!!! #
  • At the ITEC keynote in Blue Springs (Or BS, MO according to @jlshultz – *giggle*) #
  • @mstabbycat I was actually considering doing that – depends on how tired I am – was up at 5am to get the boy to school… But I likely will! in reply to mstabbycat #
  • No wi-fi in theater 2 at ITEC, so I'm taking notes by hand. Primitive. #
  • Still no wireless in theater 2 @ ITEC. I did trawl the vendors & got a better pen, tho. Small comforts… #
  • Why I prefer tech over library conf – no line @ ladies restroom #
  • @sglassmeyer nope – the boyfriend has it on DVD, so I can watch any time. I don't, but I could… in reply to sglassmeyer #
  • @ellbeecee jinx! You owe me a beer! in reply to ellbeecee #
  • Wondering if Courtyard Marriot rents rooms by hour so I can take quick nap? #iamold #
  • @sglassmeyer this is true… Perhaps we should!! in reply to sglassmeyer #
  • Sitting on my front porch, knitting & handing out candy to soopw #
  • Oops. That is "sooper cute" mini scary folks. My nose is cold, tho #

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