It’s not enough to just create an account anymore, and it’s not enough to shove your bad services into a new space. He’ll talk about new ways of planning & implementing things today. Why use emerging tech? Outreach & service – we need to get away from designing for the user and start designing by the user. How do we approach new ideas? Planning approach – takes too long, jump through hoops, eventual success or failure – slow! Committee approach – take an idea and destroy it.
Association professionals through the ages video from YouTube – very funny!
The evolving library – where we are headed – try, assess, reflect, repeat ad victorium.
Action steps:
• Try – Yoda was wrong
• Be fast – try to do it within 3 months
• Be human – be real, be patient with yourself
• Don’t over-plan
• Assess – assess our relationship with our users and their relationships with our services
• Write assessment into your plans
• Get user feedback – and use it
Write a 3-minute plan – who will coordinate, what are we trying out, when it will be complete, how do we know it will be successful. Be willing to fail – spectacularly! What made your most amazing user experience amazing? Use that information to fix things and improve things
How to gather the tools – surveys, focus groups, user observations (jing), have conversations
How to gather your volunteers – have something to offer, get out of your library, remember that everyone loves to give their opinions, embrace the power of selling out – get some free stuff by doing a bit of advertising, offer swag (pickups at conference)
Implementation – something will go wrong, it’s ok.
Get the boss’ buy-in: data & stories, make it publishable – The Practice of Social Research by Earl R. Babbie is a good book to help you with getting the data into publishable form
Do it half-assed – you need the data and don’t need to wait ‘til its perfect! You can always refine & redo later.
Being user-centric – our users are the center of our universe, but we aren’t the center of theirs…
Be willing to do the work
Evolution will take care of the bad ideas. Create a culture of innovation – be brave and stop the naysayers in your library
Question time:
Talk a bit about how you set up a structure for getting user feedback? They are dealt with in meetings and spread as far as possible, reflected back to the users, and told to everyone who will sit and listen.
How do you deal with people who aren’t coming up with ideas and aren’t forthcoming? Ask ‘em what the hell they are doing if they aren’t coming up with new ideas.
What do you do about haters? Let ‘em hate – that’s why they are called haters, they are out there to hate, let them do that and don’t listen to ‘em.
How do you deal with the librarian who is still working in the libraries of 20 years ago? Expose them to new ideas, telling them what you are doing and what kind of ideas you are being exposed to (audience member said to pair them with new librarians with fresh ideas)
Do you have an opinion on pop-up surveys? No, he tries to stay away from those, finds them annoying – he’d rather people be pulled to a survey than have it pushed on ‘em.
What made his library’s blog so awesome, that everyone wanted to participate? Giving folks freedom will get them excited about the blog – let them go with what they want to write about.
Author: Robin
I’ve been looking forward to seeing this particular keynote since I heard danah (this is how she spells it – no caps – even on international capslock day) was going to be here at the conference.
She began her talk by telling us that she wants to talk about what’s going on with different kinds of social media and how to apply it. Web 2.0 – tech crowd sees it as a shift in development/deployment – a change in the way you get information out there. Web 2.0 – business crowd sees it as hope, coming right after the big crash.
Social network sites include: profiles (change from being “an IP address†to a digital body), public articulation of friends (used as social leveraging – getting social acceptance in return for being in the “top 8 friendsâ€), comments – or wall – section (form of social grooming, even when their comments are banal and dull), status updates (peripheral awareness of everything that’s going on around you).
What are people doing on these sites? All kinds of social purposes – gossiping, flirting, making sure people around you are ok – stuff that we used to do because we were allowed to go out in physical public spaces, kids today really don’t have that kind of freedom because of fear.
“If you’re not on MySpace, you don’t exist†– Skyler (16, Chicago)
Properties of social spaces:
• Persistence – what you say sticks around
• Replicability – copy and paste things from one place to another
• Scalability – potential to reach millions with the reality of reaching pretty much nobody, possibility of broadcast but not necessarily the ability
• Searchability – you can make yourself searchable – or not
• Invisible audiences – public articulation of friends is an articulation of their perceived audience
• Collapsed contexts – socializing with different people in different contexts, but in the same place
• Public = Private –
What does this mean? A change in both social and information ecologies. Wikipedia is the most transparent information creation project EVER. Teach our young people how to read the information & histories in Wikipedia – teach them media literacy.
This is an attention economy – what bubbles up isn’t necessarily the best, but what gets the most attention.
3 points where intervention are desperately needed:
• Net Neutrality – all bits are created equal – she is a Comcast customer and she can’t use YouTube at all
• DRM –, runs the risk of killing off the ability for people to interact with text
• Defending Fair Use – it’s only a defense, you have to be sued before it comes into play
Web 2.0 is going to become very mobile – cluster effects aren’t happening because of a lack of mobile standards, we need to get over that.
Technology is radically reshaping public spaces and “public†as we know it.
Michael started it off with introductions, then Chris introduced himself – they both pimped their and sites
Ubiquitous computing – a model of human-computer interaction in which info processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects & activities. Computing happens when and where we need it – enabled by calm tech that just works
64G flash drive was $5469.99 in Oct. of 2006, in July of 08 that same storage was down to $300 and TB hard drives at Best Buy this month are $69.99. Ubiquitous computing in library – RFID tech. eye-fi card is another example of UC (Ubiquitous Computing). Ambient umbrella – wireless connection gives a weather update via the color of the handle. Wow.
Convergence – phones, hardware, software. Android phone is one example. Lederhosen with iPod controls in the pockets – Michael is gonna start wearing more lederhosen, now that he knows how cool they are. Chumby – passive, UC.
SatTV, Slingbox, Apple TV – all pretty much UC. Pico Projector + infrared keyboard + phone pen = UC.
• Ubicomp – Ubiquitous Computing
• Pervasive Computing
• Ambient Intelligence
• The Internet of things
Visions of UC
• Low cost info processing embedded in everyday objects
• Post-PC environment
• Computers should be invisible and unintrusive
• Tech should create calm
• Embedded
• Context Aware
• Personalized
• Adaptive
• Anticipatory
• Happens at the scale of The Body, The Room, The Building – different levels
What trends & tech will power UC
• Cheap info processing
• Cheap memory & storage
• Wireless networking
• Interoperability and open standards
• Universal addressability
• Sensors
• Position awareness
• Power
The above list includes hurdles, too – those are issues that we’ll have to perfect before UC is really *here*.
Spimes (space & time concepts combined into one made-up word)
• Everyday objects have
o Location awareness
o Social awareness
o Time awareness (history)
Examples of calm technology: picture of a scene that pays attention to your email inbox, as email comes in, more people show up in the picture; umbrella that glows to give you the weather report – glowing handle means that you need it; Ambient orb – changes colors based on stock market prices. Examples of location based services: showing specific coupons for restaurants within a block of where you are.
• Digital fabricators
• Rapid prototypers
• 3-D printer
• Desktop manufacturer
Biotelemetry – computers that keep track of your vital signs – picture Chris showed was embedded in the toilet – it does urinalysis on the spot, measures body fat and takes your blood pressure while you are sitting there. Brain wave controlled wheelchairs – cool stuff…
Library applications
• Location-based reference
• Anticipatory reference
• Information therapy
• Emotion mapping of the library
• Community manufacturing center with a 3-D printer
Slides at, links at
Cliff started with a quote from the ‘net from someone asking if there is some kind of rental store for books – is this the user or the library failing. Bookswim is competition for us – we don’t trust our own users so we don’t do this. Users are willing to pay for this kind of service. Valdosta, where Cliff works, just did some user testing and found that things that are obvious to us are obviously not obvious to the library’s users. Sex, drugs & disease – gets attention and interest immediately. Beware the super-user ego-hug – really grateful and really heavy users of the library – watch out for assuming that everyone can figure things out just because they have. We also forget about the “out†part of outreach – do more advertising to people who aren’t already in your building – have a conversation with your non-users. Find out why they aren’t using your stuff!
Cliff is talking about teachable moments – I had one of those last night. The security at the karaoke bar was talking about getting a computer soon and being able to find the pictures online – once he got his computer – of us crazy library-types. I told him to get his butt down to the Monterey Public Library and do a Flickr search. Teachable moment!! Next he mentioned that we need to remember to ask our users for how they want to be contacted, etc. Picture of a porcupine with a tube on its head and the caption “utube – ur doin it wrong†got some big laughs.
Talking about user studies – use Jing or something to record their screen.
Kelly started talking about her library’s “Mobile Literacy Vehicle†equipped with laptops and staff to go out to underserved neighborhoods to do programs and such. Their other project is outreach to incarcerated populations – they do have some who come to the library after they’ve served their time. They also do these through virtual outreach – some of the kids have access to computers so they meet there occasionally. They also have an account with OPAL ( where they offer information and outreach for their – and other – libraries. They stream some of their programs so that they are available for people even when they are unable to attend. Ustream ( helps with that as well. They are also developing an Alternate Reality game to advertise their “one book†program.
Take homes:
• Market the library outside the library
• Find out what your (non)users want and need
• Are you doing it right? Measure and find out
• Involve staff in fundraising efforts of the library
• Develop out of the box partnerships
• Blend the traditional/nontraditional
• Create blogs and sites that are interactive
• Hire non library staff for programs and other perspectives
Question time!
How are they developing their alternative reality game ? It’s still being developed, but they’ll have a blog (written by one of the main characters in the book, To Kill A Mockingbird) that will be the main “starting point†for the game. They’ll have phone numbers that will have messages that will help people get farther into the game. Puzzles and clues will branch out from there.
What kinds of user behaviors did you see during testing? Cliff said that he noticed about 2 minutes of attention, then they’ll skip over to Google
How do you respond to a website that is imposed on you? Valdosta’s library goes wild – within the constraints that the University gives ‘em
What is the best way for a library to learn about their users’ interests? Cliff said that conversations are the best – he pays attention to the patrons and occasionally just sits there and smiles at folks and strikes up conversations with them instead of working and appearing busy at the desk. Kelly gets to play with stuff at her library and that play gets teens and kids interested and
Kelly asked if there are any success stories from folks in the audience.
Susan, an audience member, said that they provide books to kids who are waiting to see their incarcerated parents
Eunice gives away dictionaries (used & picked up a garage sales) to anyone who asks to use the library’s dictionary.
Catch Up
Last night, after a lovely dinner at a very nice French Bistro, I made the fateful decision to go to karaoke at the Mucky Duck.
This was fateful because, while it was great fun, I did end up actually doing the singing thing – and there are pictures to document it. Ruth Kneale and I got up there and sang – and danced – to Sir Mix-A-Lot’s classic song, Baby Got Back. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of good “networking” in, as you are supposed to do at a conference, but it was a late night and made today a somewhat challenging day. I did make it to some of the sessions, and I did wander the Farmer’s Market – a very cool Tuesday night tradition that brings in farmers, vendors and food stands to the 3 blocks leading up to the conference hotel. After that Nikki & I ate dinner and then I went to go see the Shanachie Tour guys (Erik, Jaap and Geert) talk about their work. That was a nice end to the day. I’ll go back and post the notes to the sessions I attended now, but I wanted to let you all know what was going on “around” the sessions – because as anyone will tell you, it’s the hallway/bar/restaurant conversations at a conference that are the most important. [photopress:2962019778_e44a48a964_m.jpg,full,alignleft] (photo by library_chic)
Data is from research study done by LRS. First question is, why? ‘cause he’s a web geek – and the fact that there was a lot of great info coming out on blogs and in conferences, however, he wasn’t seeing a lot of “who†was using it – no information on the prevalence of how many are using it. Soon, he’ll get numbers on how successfully we are all using it – but that’s coming in a future study. The study focused on public libraries. Next he talked about the methodology – either survey or observational methods. They decided to use an observational study – actually going to library sites and seeing what they do. They visited 600 sites to conduct the study – lots of time, but perfect response rate, consistent response rates (since they are doing it themselves) and avoiding survey fatigue. There are limitations, as well, however. Hidden technologies were just missed – and the information was a snapshot in time. Both means that they could have missed some tech that was either advertised locally or not present at the time they checked the site. They also couldn’t check intranets for 2.0 tools used.
Sample size was split into 5 population groups (including a special “all Colorado libraries†group). They then had to define just what Library 2.0 was. They used the Wikipedia definition – loosely defined and user-centered change. After that they defined what library 2.0 “tools†were. He then went through the survey process – to make a long story short, they went through a lot of work to create the “pieces of Library 2.0†part.
Pieces of Library 2.0
• Online catalog
• Personalized Library Account
• Blogs/RSS
• Virtual Reference
• Wikis
• Social Networking
• Podcasting
1st point – web/catalog presence – ubiquitous in a 25,000+ pop group, after that it starts to fall off. Under 10,000 pop group had only 73% with a web site. 2nd point – online library cards – many more allow you to log into your library card, fewer allow you to get a library account online. 45% of 100,000+ libraries have online library card signup – surprised the survey takers. 3rd point – blogs/rss feeds – blogs seemed to be different – more in the less than 10,000 pop group than the next 2 groups up the chart. Email & chat reference was also very well represented in the upper ranges, not so much in the under 500,000 people ranges. Social networking isn’t yet into more than a third of any size library group. Under 10,000 libraries – fewer than 2% of those have any social network presence (MySpace, FB or Flickr).
Results – we are still moving forward pretty slowly. Fewer than half of the libraries in the states have anything 2.0. “There are a lot of libraries doing cool things with 2.0 – but it hasn’t reached critical mass yetâ€.
Early adopters scale – 29 point scale that allowed them to identify early adopter libraries. He then started in on characteristics of early adopter libraries. They tend to have 50% more staffing than libraries that don’t do all this stuff. They also have more funding. Audio/Visual collections are much bigger than non-early adopters – Zeth thought that was telling because it shows that they are innovating all over the place. These libraries are also getting more use – visits and circ stats are higher.
2 ratios that didn’t affect the survey – number of books and number of public access computers. The last one, PCs per capita, was *almost* statistically significant, but not quite.
What this tells Zeth – libraries that are successful are choosing to put resources in Web 2.0 technologies. Next step is to see if it helps *make* them more successful.
PDF of presentation is at blog – they are 2/3 of the way done with the print report.
Greg Schwartz – Personal Branding
You don’t own your own identity – personal branding is “stuff you do to present yourself to othersâ€
• Have a home base – someplace online that you can point people to – blog, webpage, ClaimID page, etc.
• Own your user name – consider what name you want to use carefully – not necessarily your own name
• Aggregate your lifestream – FriendFeed is a good single place for people to go to find out everything that you are doing.
• Join the conversation – make thoughtful comments, be as much the ‘real you’ as you can
• Follow what others are saying about you – Google alerts, technorati, twitter searches, etc.
• Be Authentic – be real, don’t effect an online persona
Experiences Implementing – Joy Marlow and Sam Davis, Columbus Metropolitan Library
Challenges in integrating 2.0 tools & tech into their websites – selling ideas to administrators and other staff members, our own learning curve, keeping up with new technology, bringing the customer along, being at the mercy of 3rd party vendors, terms of use issues (fair use of photographs, requirements for a linkback for some services, etc.), and unclear strategy. Solutions for those challenges include engaging your staff (learn & play program, based on the LL2.0 program from Helene Blowers), engage your customers (trust your users, listen to what they are saying – CML used a “power tools†page with a blog where they occasionally ask what tools they are using and where they would like to see the library), believe in what you do (be able to show how everyone will benefit because of your idea), and beta/experiment (test things and manage expectations).
They followed up with some tips & tricks to help you get through all of the above issues. Prototyping will help you sell your ideas to admin and staff without having to devote a lot of time. Let your ideas/applications be torn apart – put it out there, let customers use it and get feedback. Do not be afraid to fail – sometimes things don’t work, just take it down and learn from the experience – but at least try.
Conversation as database – public conversations that may or may not disappear. If NSA can data mine public conversations, can libraries? Privacy lines are blurring, some are getting creeped out by the public info that is out there – it’s our job to teach our users that the info is there and others can find it. He also discussed semi-public communities- members only, but archived. What is archived? Where is it archived? Reliance on other humans to help keep your assumed private communications private – both the recipients and the folks who are reading our ‘net transmissions (ISPs, hackers, NSA, etc.). Privacy by obscurity! Who cares about much of the info posted?
He then talked about Old Databases – email & email lists, Usenet (Google Groups) and web forums – these are all searchable & archived. Usenet (now Google Groups) is useful for folks who were active in computers in the 70’s and beyond. All the Usenet posts are still archived. Discussion forums are still in use, too – some are getting wise and making questions freely searchable, but answers require paying membership in the forum. Email & email lists – forward your email to Yahoo! Or Gmail or download the copies for easy searching for yourself. Lists sometimes limit searching archives to subscribers only – becoming a member will give you that access and you can set your subscription to nomail if you don’t want the actual emails coming in, just searching access. No web-based archive means email search via listserv software – tedious, but useful without an archive – your users probably don’t know they can do that at all.
Summize – search reviews/opinions – added Twitter search – became Twitter searching by default, then got bought by Twitter. Greg brought up Summize and the #il2008 hash tag made it to the top of the most active hash tags. Sweet! Then he brought up the page again and my tweet about the fact that we are active folks was on top. Entertaining! He spent a good deal of time discussing the options that Summize offers. Other options to search twitter are: Tweetscan, search people on Twitter itself, web search engines (will get some).
Facebook searching – you can see profiles from your networks and partial profiles from friends of your friends or folks who are in your networks. Wide membership in networks and such will help you see more profiles. He then showed how to set privacy settings so that you aren’t quite so searchable. You can also find out about community and group demographics, too. Facebook postings aren’t necessarily permanent – but they can be if someone else grabs the photo or the quote and reposts it. Otherwise, if it goes away on your page, it’s gone.
Spokeo – get information from social sites by entering in an email address and seeing where they are signed up and, if public, get the info from their profiles. Hmmm, I’m definitely going to have to check my own email addresses out on this one… Techniques – try to find all the known email address for your search subject, ignore the friend uploading option, get more content from them for a fee.
Comments and tags – conversation occurs here too – don’t forget to search through these to get info.
Question time:
Can you search on Twitter search for orgs using a twitter widget? Nope, probably not. Maybe a search engine search for the name or code used might give you the info
What about searching LinkedIn? Searching is much more limited, not as complete as Facebook.
I just lost the entire first part of my notes in a horrible wireless incident. All I can say is that for an INTERNET LIBRARIAN conference, I’m not getting much Internet. There are a lot of people tweeting about how crappy the wifi situation is and it’s bad enough that it’s distracting from the conference experience itself. Funny, since David is talking about digital experience, and my particular digital experience during his talk is not good. Not his fault, of course, and my “meatspace†experience is wonderful – he’s a funny presenter who has a LOT of great knowledge (and he rocks) but I’m having trouble concentrating on the message because the digital experience of this conference is so very bad. The really bad part – you all are getting this rant instead of reading about what David has to say. The good news? He’s written a book called Designing the Digital Experience that you can buy from Amazon and get all the good info there.
Our first keynote, which was part of the notes I’d lost in the wireless incident, was by Harold Reingold. He spoke about his recent book, Smart Mobs, and discussed the idea of collective action. He traced it from early man collecting together in order to bring down a big beast (mastodon steaks, anyone?) to the first cities and the birth of writing, to the printing press and finally to the advent of texting and the Internet. It was an interesting keynote and I took some kick-butt notes, but they are gone…. He also mentioned that, instead of keeping up with technologies, keep up with literacies. That struck me as a really good idea and well put, too!
Project Management: The Prize is in the Process
Helene Blowers – Director of Digital Strategy & Macrina Gilliam – Applications Project Manager from the Columbus Metropolitan Library
Participant introductions – lots of cool people here!
Problems dump – everyone yells out issues they’ve had with projects in the past
Helene – policy, passion & practice
She wrote the book on project management for the Belk Corporation in 1995.
A project is a one-time job that has starting/stopping points, objectives, & defined scope of work.
• Required stuff – time frame, resources & scope
Extremely valuable stuff
o a champion –boss or not, whomever gains the most, will be most supportive
o passion (passion will take your projects really far – farther than project management, really)
• Project managers
o Influence #1 (coordinators – usually not managing people directly – but are influencers)
o Look beyond managers (managers do not have to manage all the projects)
o Communication skills
o Leadership potential
• Strategies are not projects and strategies aren’t projects – if the project doesn’t fit in with the organization’s strategies, why do it?
• 3 questions to answer in a project scope doc – what are we doing? Who is doing it? When are we doing it? And Why are we doing it?
• PM constraints – balancing constraints of time, resources, & scope
Slides will be posted on
Macrina – Columbus Metropolitan Library’s Project Management Life Cycle
Hand-outs that detail the process they use, best practices and checklists of project tasks from their library
Project Management Life Cycle
o Initiate
o Plan
o Execute
o Close
Typical Roles
o Project Sponsor
o Process Owner/Product Owner
o Project Manager
o IT Advisor
o Subject Matter Expert (SMEs)
o “Blue Zone†– project support resources (Marketing, property management staff to help move stuff, etc.) – communicate early with these folks to let them know what they will need to do and can schedule your project and possibly think of things you haven’t thought of
We don’t manage projects, we manage initiatives – Helene speaking of an old job
Project management should be understood throughout the entire organization
10 phases divided among the 4 processes of the life cycle – and opportunities to communicate come through many of them
o Discovery-Prototyping-Beta phase
o Iterative development saves time later
o Increases input and buy-in
o Higher quality result
o let go of being perfect
“Librarians don’t really have the concept of ‘quick & dirty’ do we?†– Mary Auckland
Added a final phase to the process cycle – transitioning project results to the process owner so that there is a “person in charge†and the project’s result continues (web site (content manager type), self-check (circ manager or worker), IM reference (ref staff or manager)) and that the opportunities, user needs and improvement needs are monitored in an ongoing way.
Helene – process owners/project managers (9 people who are blue zone “folksâ€) meet every Friday to discuss resource shifting and project needs – total buy-in from all throughout the organization. The “blue zone†gets rid of info silos and lets cross-departmental communication happen easily. – handouts and info from slides
Amanda Etches-Johnson – One Person Project Management
Slides –
Handout –
Went to a project management workshop in Feb to help her with her upcoming web redesign project and it changed her life – got lots of great info but realized that as a one-person team only uses parts of the process.
She discussed project management at her library – there are a lot of projects going on at her library and varying levels of PM training with no enterprise PM framework in place (yet). They just named a new special projects librarian and Amanda thinks she’ll start implementing more of a PM culture. Right now, there are no expectations for communication or documentation, no sponsors of particular projects which was both positive (get things done really fast) and negative (no expectations means varying degrees of communication).
Created an advisory committee from the people who she wanted to be on the project team – they have full time jobs, too, though and couldn’t commit to being true team members. Perhaps a true PM culture would have helped?
“Where does the planning stop and the doing start?†– worked on planning, took a while to realize she needed to actually start doing.
Tips to keep you sane:
o Beware over-planning
o Timeline in 1-week chunks
o Deadlines are your friend
Best practices still apply
o Project charter
o Title
o Synopsis
o Scope
o Dates
o Resources
o Stakeholders
o Version control
o Keeps you on track
o Especially important for tech projects
o Watch for scope creep
o Stick to the plan
o More features – more time OR resources (or both)
o Break the project into manageable chunks
o Manage expectations (communication, communication, communication)
o Document
Some best practices don’t apply
o Gantt charts
o Complex PM software
She spent 2 days with advisory committee to get info architecture and first 2 levels of site wireframed – hugely helpful. Amanda also created working groups that were dealing with specific issues and have a short, firm timeline. Mary mentioned that she calls them “start and finish groupsâ€.
Everyone is your project team! Don’t isolate yourself – the whole library can be your project team – they are all invested in the content and functionality of the site.
Question period
From the discussion:
o Shortish projects help keep people from losing interest
o Lessons learned become institutional memory for what works & doesn’t work
o Helene used an email newsletter (with updates from each department or project team members) and the unique communication method made a huge impact
o Too much functionality at once can cause issues with troubleshooting – when things go wrong, you don’t know what exactly doesn’t work, it could be anything that you are working on
o Determine a “main project†and the tentacles that come off of it- and decide if you need those tentacles
o The new generation is going to make us do things their way – and even if we don’t like it, we’ll have to in order to keep our users
Themes from Mary – wrap up times
o The value of planning up-front – but it needs to stop too, create a deadline for planning phase
o Breaking projects into manageable chunks
o Bringing passion into the team
o The PM team is more widespread than you think
o Achieve more communication through influencing than just straight communication (reports, etc)
o High-level sponsors/champions can do your communicating to the top levels for you
o Lots of the stumbling blocks mentioned at the beginning were answered in the presentations
o Managing by consensus/committee – PM process helps to alleviate some of that