blogging Web 2.0

Blogging calendar

I have created a blogging/social networking theme for my workplace for the next 12 months. Not every post will be strictly tied to the theme, but I’ll try to work in several posts over the month that have something to do with it. Some of them are big programs that we do (see the Capital Read months, both adult and kids), others are just timed to the holidays that fall in those months. One is completely random because I can’t think of a thing that I could focus on in March. Spring, maybe? New beginnings? I’m doing that this month (January), though, so maybe not. Hopefully one of my creative and wonderful coworkers will come up with something that I can use…

I’m making sure I remember the theme by adding in the theme as a draft post on the calendar (that is provided by the WordPress Editorial Calendar plugin for WordPress – very handy tool!) on the first day of the month. That way I’ll see, every month, what I’m supposed to be focusing on for the blog. For the rest of my social media outlets, I’ll just have to remember. I considered adding it to one of my Google Calendars, but they are so crazy full of stuff I’d just miss it, I think.

Anyway, I had mentioned that I was going to do this late last year, so I’m posting here the list of months with their respective themes so that you all can see what I’m doing and maybe take it, improve it and let me steal it back!!

January – New year, new services, new stuff

February – Love and family

March – Random because I can’t think of anything…

April – Love your library (Nat’l Library Week)

May – Capital Kid’s Read

June – Summer Reading

July – Freedom and Government

August – Summer Vacations

Sept – Passport to the world (get a card)

Oct – Capital Read

Nov – Thankful

Dec – End of year, holidays

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